Calm Power Skills: Life is a Challenge and a Journey
Inner Self Power
Dr. Goddard helps clients to overcome problems, value themselves and navigate the stormy, dangerous waters of life. Dr. Goddard believes that the secret of happiness involves building Success Power Skills. Life is a journey filled with challenges, problems and dangers. Therapy can take many directions depending on a person’s needs. Some of us need to understand and heal wounds from our childhood. Some of us need to focus on finding solutions to our present difficulties. Therapy can help you build the skills and positive emotions you need for a safe, joyful successful journey.
Body, Mind, Heart and Soul
Strengthening skills in the 4 Key Life Areas improves our health and happiness. Our problems are opportunities to learn how to take better care of ourselves. Building skills gives us strength. Skill building gives us the power to grow, thrive, care for others, love ourselves and find fulfillment in today's harsh world. Self nurturing and healing our inner wounds gives us the fuel to fully embrace and appreciate the miracle of life.
The 4 Key Skill Areas
The 3 Key Body Skills are: Calm Power, Healthy Eating and Strong Body Power. Body Skills help us to be relaxed, energetic, passionate, positive and healthy. These skills help us to exercise, look great, use harmonious movement, stay fit, build strong muscles and reduce our stress.
The 3 Key Mind Skills are Tough Thinking, PIPS Power (Problem Identification - Problem Solving) and Blue Sky Mind. Mind Skills help us use Tough Thinking to win life’s inner and outer battles, achieve our goals, stop self negating thoughts, change negative habits, resolve problems and enjoy our ceaseless river of thought.
The 3 Key Heart Skills are People Power, Emotional Fuel and Soulmate Power. Heart Skills enable us to give to and get support from others, assert ourselves, communicate effectively, get messages, guidance and power from our emotions, overcome family problems and enrich the passion of our romantic relationships.
The 3 Key Soul Power Skills are Radical Self Support, Heroic Life Mission and Solar Self Power. Soul Skills help us to nurture, heal, soothe, care for and believe in ourselves, clarify and achieve our life's mission, fully appreciate the miracle of life, and strengthen our Core Inner Self.